Tuesday, November 29, 2016

New Puppy? Puppy Potty Training Tips. How To Clean Pet Stains


Getting a puppy can be a great idea. However too many times what seems like a great idea turns out to be problematic. Every year, thousands of puppies are taken in to a new home and then returned or placed in a shelter. There are many reasons for this. Puppies require attention, adjustment to scheduling and unexpected expenses. If you are planning on getting a puppy, these are some things to take into consideration, and they are things the pet owner can proactively adjust. In some cases, puppies are returned because of accidents in the house. This too is something that can be controlled by the owner. In many cases, improper cleaning techniques only promote a puppy going to the bathroom in the house. This is something that can be corrected by properly cleaning pet stains. When pet stains are cleaned correctly, it can actual prevent a new puppy from going to the bathroom in the house.

pet stain remover carpetThe first thing to understand about dogs is that they urinate based on instinct as well as training. With a new puppy, it is important to establish a schedule. Take the puppy outside frequently to encourage the dog to go to the bathroom outside. You may notice as you take the dog outside, he/she will do a lot of sniffing. This is natural instinct kicking in. Dogs tend to urinate in the same spot based on scent. They tend to urinate in the same spot they have previously gone. As you continue to take your new puppy outside, try to guide your dog to the spot where they have previously gone to the bathroom. As time progresses, you will be able to wait longer periods of time when taking your dog outside. Eventually, this pattern will help the dog identify the area outside as the area where they can go to the bathroom. 

Naturally, with a puppy, there will be accidents in the house. This should be expected with a new puppy. While you can take measures to prevent such accidents, including frequent outdoor visits, or placing the puppy in an area where an accident would not impact the house, don't be upset when an accident happens on the carpet or a rug. 

When an accident occurs on the carpet, it is essential that you clean the area properly. As stated previously, dogs urinate based on instinct. If they smell the odor of urine, they are likely to continue to go to the bathroom in that spot until the urine scent is completely removed. If an accident occurs, the first time may very well be an accident. Sometimes this happens with puppies because they become overly excited, do not have bladder control, or have not grown accustomed to the potty schedule. This is to be expected. To prevent it from becoming a habit, clean the urine stain properly.


There are countless products available for pet stain removal. There are also endless online "recipes" and "DIY pet stain removers." Unfortunately, many of these products are not as effective as they claim to be. And nearly EVERY Do It Yourself Pet Stain Remover offers the WORST thing you can possible do to clean pet stains. 

Vinegar pet Stain Remover
  • VINEGAR - Vinegar is the primary ingredient in almost every Do It Yourself pet stain remover recipe. As a natural cleaner, vinegar works to break down stains due to it's acidic base. Distilled white vinegar has a pH level of 2.4. Vinegar has a distinct acidic smell. Dog urine has an acidic base with a pH level typically around 6.5. Like vinegar, pet urine has a distinct acidic odor. Because vinegar and urine share this acidic base, as well as an acidic odor, the puppy's instincts will likely kick in. A dog can not differentiate the scent of vinegar from that of their urine. Because of this, if vinegar is used to clean pet stains from carpet, the dog will likely be encouraged to urinate in that spot. Vinegar is easily the WORST thing you can use to clean pet stains. Even the Human Society acknowledges that vinegar & ammonia based cleaners can encourage pets to continue urinating in the spot where they were applied. 
  • ENZYMES -  Enzymatic cleaners dominate the aisles of every pet store. Many claim to be environmentally friendly, which is a factor in their popularity. However a closer look at the Safety Data Sheets can reveal the products contain some of the most dangerous chemicals such as 2-Butoxyethanol - a horrid chemical which can cause skeletal defects and weight loss in mammals. The last thing you want to do is place toxic chemicals on your carpet where it can affect your pets or your children. Aside from the health risks of some enzymes, there is also a specific science to the way enzymes work. Through the process, the idea is that an enzyme will interact with urine to promote that is breaks down. However for enzymes to work correctly, a lot of factors need to be just right. Temperature, acidity of the urine, age of the enzymes and the diet of the dog are just a few factors that can prevent enzymes from working correctly. Often, people find that the enzymes may appear to have worked, only to find that in a few days either the stain reappears or the odor becomes overwhelming. This is often as a result of proteins being broken down and settling back into the carpet, or the enzyme not actually having the power to clean into the padding of the carpet. 
  • HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS - In line with the DIY pet stain remover recipes are those that call for various household cleaners. Many homemade pet stain removal recipes call for laundry detergent or dish soap. No! Just don't do it! Soap based cleaners work on the principal of attraction. Dirt, dust and other staining agents, including urine, are pulled toward the soap. When used in carpet, as the soap travels downward, it takes the stains with it. When this happens, what might have been a simple surface stain now becomes embedded in the padding. As you rinse, you might notice the surface becomes clean, but in time, everything that has seeped into the padding will resurface. This then results in "phantom stains" that come back after you have cleaned the area. There are several other problems soap based cleaners present. They can clog the pores of carpet, making the carpet feel rigid. Soap also does not have the power to kill the odor - especially if it seeps downward into the padding. Again, you are only intensifying the urge for your new puppy to urinate in that spot again. Other household cleaners present other problems. Some can actually spread the stain, leaving a grayish residue on the surface of light colored carpets. Oxidizing agents can cause discoloration to carpets. When a carpet becomes discolored, this can not be easily reversed.


They key to preventing your puppy from going to the bathroom in the house is proper cleaning. because dogs are drawn to urinate in spots where they have previously gone, it is imperative to not just remove the visible stain, but also to completely remove the urine odor. 

pet urine in carpet
Genesis 950 All Purpose Cleaner
Genesis 950 is a green, all purpose surfactant based cleaner. Instead of using soaps or hazardous chemicals, Genesis 950 relies on water as the key ingredient. Sold in concentrated form, water is added upon use. When Genesis 950 and water interact with a stain, Genesis 950 breaks down the bonds of a stain. Once the bonds of a stain are broken, the stain becomes water soluble. Solubility allows for the stain to lose adherence and be flushed from the surface. In the event that pet urine has seeped into the padding, Genesis 950 can be used in a carpet cleaning machine to effectively break down any odor causing stains in the padding. In addition to breaking down and removing stains, Genesis 950 also has the power to kill odor causing bacteria. As the odor is removed, the likelihood of your dog continuing to urinate on the carpet is reduced.

There are two methods for removing pet stains with Genesis 950. The first is by spot cleaning. Spot cleaning is most suitable for surface stains. These types of stains include when the accident is number 2 or if your puppy got sick on the carpet. To spot clean these stains, use Genesis 950 in a spray bottle mixed with water. The recommended ratio is 1/3 part Genesis 950 to 2/3 parts water. This recommendation works great for cleaning multiple messes from pet stains to kitchen cleaning. Keeping a spray bottle with this ratio in the cleaning cabinet makes you ready for any situation. 

pet odor remover
How to remove pet stains

Spot cleaning with Genesis 950 is easy. Simply spray the solution mixed with water on the stain. Be sure to allow the stain to be thoroughly saturated. Allow the solution to sit for several minutes. Once the stain has absorbed the solution, it should be able to be wiped away fairly easy. If after wiping up the stain, there is still some left behind, reapply the cleaning solution and let sit a little longer before wiping. Once the stain has been removed, blot with fresh water to rinse. When complete, let the area dry. 

pet stain remover for carpet
While spot cleaning is effective for surface stains, it is NOT an acceptable means to clean pet urine. Pet urine, being a liquid, travels down ward. Often, it ends up in the padding, which because of it's consistency, absorbs liquid such as urine, like a sponge. When urine odor is an issue, spot cleaning the surface will NOT remove the urine in the padding. Spraying deodorizes on the area will also not have any impact on the padding. As long as that urine odor is in the padding, the likelihood of your dog peeing there will remain very high. To properly remove pet urine and pet urine odor from carpet, it MUST be done with a machine. 

A carpet cleaning machine allows for solution to be distributed below the carpet surface. As this is where the odor settles, this is very important. A carpet cleaning machine also has the power to extract the stains, sediment and urine that has been trapped in the padding. When Genesis 950 is used in a carpet cleaning machine, the solution gets into the padding, breaks down not only the pet stains, but also the dirt and dust. Be sure to thoroughly go over the entire carpet with the Genesis 950/water mixture, ensuring that the carpet is thoroughly saturated. Once the carpeted has been treated in this manner, allow it to sit for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This will give the solution the time needed to properly break down stains and kill odor causing bacteria. After this time has elapsed, fill your carpet cleaning machine with ONLY fresh water. Slowly go over all areas that have been initially cleaned using the machine. Doing this will flush everything that has been broken down out of the carpet. At first, the return water may come back black. If so, continue to rinse until you can get the return water as clear as possible. Once you are satisfied with the rinsing, allow the carpet to dry. The results will be a clean, odor free carpet. You will likely also notice the carpet feels softer - this is in part to Genesis 950 being soap free.

If a new puppy is going to be part of your future, be prepared for a little bit of disruption. One of the biggest reasons puppies end up unwanted after being gifted is due to training issues. However many of these issues can be resolved quite simply by properly training and cleaning up after your pet. If your puppy is having accidents in the house, it might not be because of the puppy. Instead, it might be because of how you are cleaning up after the puppy. Are you using products that encourage urination? Are you using products that do not remove the odor? Before you get rid of that puppy, try getting rid of the cleaning products you are using. Keeping your puppy and your family happy might be as simple as finding the right way to remove pet stains.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Spring Carpet Cleaning Tips & Tricks For 2017

How To Clean carpet


Spring is here! After months of having the house closed up, it's finally time to open the windows, air out the house and clean. One of the first things you might want to tackle is your carpet. Moisture and humidity can be a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. A good thorough cleaning with Genesis 950 will not only remove the dirt, dust, dander and stains that have accumulated within your carpet, but it will also make your home healthier by removing particles in the carpet that can add to allergy and respiratory issues.

Genesis 950 is the perfect cleaner for not only cleaning your carpet, but also for restoring the fibers a plush, soft state. Genesis 950 is a green, all purpose cleaner that works different than other cleaners. It is surfactant based and when mixed with water, it works to break down the bonds of stains. As a result, the stains lose adherence and can be flushed away from the surface. 


Genesis 950 can be used in any type of carpet cleaning machine. Because it is not soap based, it is safe for any type of machine. 

There are 2 basic designs of carpet cleaning machines.

The majority of machines sold for home use have 2 compartments, one for water and one for cleaning solution. These are the easiest to use as far as measuring how much cleaner to use. Simply fill the solution compartment up with Genesis 950, and the water compartment with water. These machines typically have settings such as "High," "Medium," "Low" and "Rinse." By choosing the appropriate setting, the machine will automatically mix the water and solution for you. If you are giving your carpet a general cleaning, select the "Low" or "Medium" setting. In areas where you have heavy traffic stains, extreme pet stains or any type of odor, select the "High" setting. As you clean, keep an eye on the solution tank to ensure it has not run out as you clean, particularly if you choose the high setting. 

Other machines have 1 large tank where the water and the cleaning solution are mixed together. This is very typical of industrial machines or machines at rental locations. For these machines, simply mix the solution as needed based on the severity of the stains. If it is a general carpet cleaning, stick to the 1 part Genesis 950 to 7 parts water mix. For pet stains and food stains, a 1/3 Genesis 950 to 2/3 water mix can be used. If the carpet is obnoxious and filthy, you can go as high as a 50/50 mix.

How much Genesis 950 to use

When cleaning carpet, take your time and slowly go over the area you are cleaning with the carpet cleaning machine. Release the mixture of Genesis 950 and water onto the carpet. Once you have gone over the carpet, allow the mixture of 950 and water to soak into the carpet. The solution will work to make stains in the carpet water soluble. When a stain becomes water soluble, the stain can then break down. Once broken down, the stain lifts away from the surface. In addition to breaking down stains, the 950 will also break apart dirt, pollen, and any bacteria in the carpet.

Typically, the carpet should be left to soak for about 45 minutes to an hour. However this can vary based on your cleaning needs. For a general cleaning, you might not need that much time. For extreme pet stains, you may want to let the solution sit for a couple hours. As you use the product, you will become accustomed to how it handles different cleaning tasks. After the carpet has been left alone for the desired time you will need to thoroughly rinse the carpet.

Best Carpet Cleaning Solution
In machines with 2 compartments, simply remove the solution compartment or change the setting to "Rinse." In a machine with 1 compartment, completely fill the compartment with fresh water and nothing else. Next, slowly go over the entire carpet and thoroughly rinse. As you clean, you will notice the return is brackish in color. In cases where it has been a while since the carpet was last cleaned, the 950 will break down so much dirt and dust that the return water almost looks like mud. If possible, keep rinsing until the water comes back looking clear. If the carpet has not been cleaned for some time, or it is a high traffic area, you may have to rinse several times until the water begins to come back clear.

After you have rinsed the carpet, it is important to allow the carpet to dry. While excess moisture in the padding may promote bacteria or mold growth, the Genesis 950 fights that with it's antibacterial agents and actually prevents such growth. However, thoroughly drying the carpet is recommended. If weather permits and humidity levels are low, open windows to help the process. Fans and dehumidifiers can also be used to speed up the drying process.

Pet Stain Removal

With so many pet stain removers on the market, it can be a challenge finding one that actually works. In addition to expensive store bought pet stain removers, there are many homemade pet stain remover recipes available. These can actually create more problems!

    Vinegar Pet Stain Remover
  • Vinegar & Ammonia - Nearly every DIY pet stain remover recipe calls for Vinegar. While it is true that Vinegar, along with Ammonia, are natural cleaners, they are the WORST things you can use to clean pet stains. For general cleaning, they are green, natural products with enough acidity to break down stains without damaging surfaces being cleaned. Both are cost effective and likely to be found in any home. However, the acidic properties have elements comparable to the acidic base of urine. Likewise, the odor released has similar properties found in urine. Animals urinate in areas where they smell urine, the use of ammonia and/or vinegar can serve as an open invitation for your pet to go in the spot you just cleaned with either of the products. Pet owners who use either of these often find themselves confused and perplexed when their pet keeps going in the same spot no matter how many times they clean the area. Pets will go in that spot because the odor of the vinegar and ammonia do not remove the urine odor, they only enhance it from your pet's perspective of scent. 
  • Enzymes - Enzymes line the aisles of pet stores. They are often hailed as the go to miracle cleaner for pet stains. This couldn't be further from the truth. Enzymes work on a principal that when two specific substances come in contact with each other, there will be a natural reaction in which one breaks the other down. It sounds simple enough, release the enzymes into the urine and they break down naturally. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Enzymes are very complex. It takes specific factors to make an enzyme work. The process is often explained in comparison to using a lock and key. There can be a thousand keys and one lock. For the lock to be activated, the correct key needs to be used. All the other keys can be put to the lock, but if there is not a 100% match,there will be no reaction. Enzymes can only break down an element if they have the biological capacity to do so. The DNA strands have to be a 100% match. In addition to the DNA matching, there are other factors in play: temperature, moisture, age and so on. If any of these factors are off, the enzyme can not work. To complicate the process even more, enzymes sold are sold in general mass production. They are not designed to react specifically to the pH levels of individual pet's urine, variables in pet's diets, health issues and other details that vary from one animal to another. One of the most common complaints about enzymes is that the stain typically reappears a few days later or the odor returns. This happens because enzymes do not have the strength to get deep into the padding. So, while the stain on the carpet may be removed, what is left behind below the surface can rise to become visible as temperature changes. They also can not kill the bacteria which creates the odor. Without proper deodorizing, the odor returns. 
  • Household Cleaners - Many DIY pet stain removers call for everyday cleaning products such as dish washing
    DIY Pet Stain Remover
    soap. Soap based cleaners designed as surface cleaners. They perform well when removing stains from hard surfaces. Some can do a good job at lifting light food or drink stains from dishes, but they do not have the power to properly clean pet stains. When soap based cleaners are used on carpet, they can lift some of the surface stain, but in doing so, they can leave other stains. Soap attracts dirt. Rather then break down dirt, it pulls it together and can cause it to clump up. In the process, streaking can occur in the carpet. Typically when issues occur where a stain is cleaned, but then comes back a few days later, it is because a soap based cleaner was used. Another problem with this type of cleaning is that it can not remove pet odor. Pet odors are in the padding of carpet and can not be removed by surface cleaning.
  • Oxidizing Cleaners - These cleaners work using a process called oxidization. Many of them use Nirtic Acid (which is in fertilizer - do you really want that in your carpet?) to remove electrons in an effort to displace a stain. It's a little more of a complex process. The chemistry used is not natural and very chemical based. Because of the use of chemicals, this is the process of cleaning pet stains where a consumer is most likely to damage their carpet. Discoloration can be a common effect when using oxidizing cleaners. The chemistry in the oxidizer can react to the carpet and turn it various colors, although a pinkish tint is the most common side effect. This type of discoloration can not be reversed. 

Genesis 950 Pet Stain Remover

Genesis 950 works to clean both surface stains and odors beneath the surface. Here are some examples of Pet Stains Removed using Genesis 950:

How to clean pet urine Best way to clean pet stains

 Clean Pet Urine From carpetPet Urine carpet Cleaner

Clean pet stains properly. Genesis 950 is the best pet stain remover for basic pet stains to removing urine or urine odor from carpet. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

DIY Carpet Cleaning With Genesis 950

DIY Carpet Cleaning

Genesis 950 makes cleaning your home easier than ever. Genesis 950 is a surfactant based all purpose cleaner that can clean the toughest messes. As a surfactant, Genesis 950 works with water to make stains water soluble. When a stain becomes water soluble, it loses it's adherence and breaks from the surface. Once broken free, the stain can then be rinsed away.

What's even better about Genesis 950 is that it doesn't just clean your home, but it does so without the harsh chemicals traditional cleaners have. Genesis 950 is a green cleaner. This make it safe for you, your family and your pets. Traditional cleaners can contain toxins and carcinogens that can trigger asthma and allergies, affect red blood cells and increase the risk of cancer. These chemicals can also create problems when introduced to water systems.

Genesis 950 is sold as a concentrate, which means water must be added to the product for cleaning. For general cleaning, it is recommended to use 1 part 950 to 7 parts water. In instances where stains are heavy, the mixture can be increased as high as a 50/50 mix with water. However, typically a 1/3 950 and 2/3 water mix will be sufficient.

The most popular use for Genesis 950 is carpet cleaning. The two most popular ways to clean carpets with Genesis 950 is by either spot cleaning, or using it in a machine.

For spot cleaning, the 1/3 950 & 2/3 water ratio is the best suited mixture. Spray the stained area being sure to get it saturated. Allow it to site for anywhere from 2 - 10 minutes. This will give the mixture the time to break down the stain. Once this time has passed, use a wet rag or sponge to wipe up the stained area. Here are some examples of spot cleaning with Genesis 950:

Pet Stains removed with Genesis 950
Pet Stains Removed By Spot Cleaning With Genesis 950

Genesis 950 carpet cleaner
Paint Stains Removed By Spot Cleaning With Genesis 950

When cleaning carpet with a machine, you can give your carpet the look of being professionally cleaned. In some cases, even better than professionals as we have many customers who have told us Genesis 950 removed stains the professionals couldn't! There are 2 basic types of carpet cleaning machines. The first has a tank where the solution is mixed directly with water. With these machines, you can fill the tank anywhere from 1/3 950 & 2/3 water, or go as high as a 50/50 mix. If you are dealing with pet stains and odors, the 50/50 mix is best. The second type of machine has a reservoir for cleaning solution and a separate tank for water. With these machines, they typically have a setting dial indication "low," "medium" or heavy. The "heavy" setting is most suitable for harder to remove stains, the "low" setting for general carpet cleaning.

To properly clean carpets using a machine, slowly go over the carpeting releasing the mixture of solution and water into the carpet. Allow this mixture to sit in the carpet for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This will give the solution the time to get into the stains, make them water soluble, and allow them to break away from the surface. After that time has expired, go over the carpet again using only water in the machine. This will flush out everything that has been broken down.
Best Carpet Cleaner For Machines
Carpet Stains Cleaned With Carpet Cleaning Machines 

How To Clean Pet Stains

There are countless products available for cleaning pet stains. However they do not have the positive affects that Genesis 950 has. Too often, people use the wrong things to clean pet stains and end up with situations worse then before they attempted to clean.

  • Vinegar & ammonia - Perhaps the most commonly recommended cleaning agents for pet stains. Unfortunately, they are the WORST things you can use to clean pet stains. Both do have their positive attributes. They are green, natural products. They have a high enough level of acidity to break down stains without damaging surfaces being cleaned. They are inexpensive, and typically easy to find in the home. However, the
    DIY Vinegar Pet Stain Remover
    acidic properties have comparable structural elements found in the acidic base of urine. This causes a problem because the odor released has some of the same properties found in urine. Remembering that animals urinate in areas where they smell urine, the use of ammonia and/or vinegar can serve as an open invitation for your pet to go in the spot you just cleaned with either of the products. Pet owners who use either of these often find themselves confused and perplexed when their pet keeps going in the same spot no matter how many times they clean the area. They go in that spot because the odor of the vinegar and ammonia do not remove the urine odor, they only enhance it from your pet's perspective of scent. 
  • Enzymes - Enzymes line the aisles of pet stores. They are often hailed as the go to miracle cleaner for pet stains. This couldn't be further from the truth. Enzymes work on a principal that when two specific substances come in contact with each other, there will be a natural reaction in which one breaks the other down. It sounds simple enough, release the enzymes into the urine and they break down naturally. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Enzymes are very complex. It takes specific factors to make an enzyme work. The process is often explained in comparison to using a lock and key. There can be a thousand keys and one lock. For the lock to be activated, the correct key needs to be used. All the other keys can be put to the lock, but if there is not a 100% match,there will be no reaction. Enzymes can only break down an element if they have the biological capacity to do so. The DNA strands have to be a 100% match. In addition to the DNA matching, there are other factors in play: temperature, moisture, age and so on. If any of these factors are off, the enzyme can not work. To complicate the process even more, enzymes sold are sold in general mass production. They are not designed to react specifically to the pH levels of individual pet's urine, variables in pet's diets, health issues and other details that vary from one animal to another. One of the most common complaints about enzymes is that the stain typically reappears a few days later or the odor returns. This happens because enzymes do not have the strength to get deep into the padding. So, while the stain on the carpet may be removed, what is left behind below the surface can rise to become visible as temperature changes. They also can not kill the bacteria which creates the odor. Without proper deodorizing, the odor returns. 
  • Household Cleaners - Perhaps the most readily available cleaners are the traditional soap based, spot designed cleaners. They are designed as surface cleaners. Most perform well when removing stains from hard surfaces. Some can do a good job at lifting light food or drink
    Homemade Pet Stain Removers
    stains, but they do not have the power to properly clean pet stains. As a spot cleaner, again the issue of what is below the surface is not being addressed. They can not get into the padding where the odor originates. Many of these cleaners are soap based. When soap based cleaners are used on carpet, they can lift some of the surface stain, but in doing so, they can leave other stains. Soap attracts dirt. Rather then break down dirt, it pulls it together and can cause it to clump up. In the process, streaking can occur in the carpet. 
  • Oxidizing Cleaners - These cleaners work using a process called oxidization. Many of them use Nirtic Acid (which is in fertilizer - do you really want that in your carpet?) to remove electrons in an effort to displace a stain. It's a little more of a complex process. The chemistry used is not natural and very chemical based. Because of the use of chemicals, this is the process of cleaning pet stains where a consumer is most likely to damage their carpet. Discoloration can be a common effect when using oxidizing cleaners. The chemistry in the oxidizer can react to the carpet and turn it various colors, although a pinkish tint is the most common side effect. This type of discoloration can not be reversed. 
Here are some examples of Pet Stains Removed using Genesis 950:

Homemade Pet Stain RemoverRemove Pet Stains From Carpet

Best Pet Stain Remover

Genesis 950 goes far beyond cleaning carpets. It can be used in kitchens, bathrooms and anywhere else in the home that needs cleaning. Here are some examples of what else Genesis 950 can clean in your home:

Clean Bathrooms With Genesis 950

Cleaning Hacks

Clean Kitchens With Genesis 950

Best Cleaning Product

Safe Oven Cleaner

Clean Furniture With Genesis 950

Furniture Cleaning

Does Genesis 950 Work? Here's some customer reviews:
Does Genesis 950 WorkGenesis 950 beat the professionals hand down !!!

Our carpets were a silver color when we installed them in our new house. The carpets are 10 yrs old and show it. (they aren't silver color anymore. We tried several differ carpet cleaners and hired a professional carpet cleaner (Stanley Steamer) and they couldn't get the carpets clean. I came across Genesis 950 while looking for solutions to our problem. It wasn't cheap (in my view) but neither is new carpets. I ordered a gallon and we used it 50/50 in a spray bottle 1st to test it. We mixed it 50/50 in our shampooer and it worked great. The wife had to shampoo the carpet in "toy room" 3 times but it looks almost new and is back to the original color. We are so pleased with Genesis 950 that we just ordered the 2.5 gal size. We did a test strip in our bedroom about 4' x 10' and it is looking good. When we get our order we will do the whole bedroom. If you're selling your home or just want your carpets clean use Genesis 950. Keep a squirt bottle handy with a 50/25 or solution or small spots. Clean and deodorized pet Stain and orders, rust stains, etcDoes Genesis 950 WorkHANDS DOWN MOST AMAZING CARPET CLEANER CONCENTRATE

Hands down the most amazing cleaner I have ever used in my carpet cleaner in my life. (Bissell) I got my carpets "professionally cleaned" and they said the stains wouldnt come out. I got some of this, pretreated the spots with the spray bottle, then with a little elbow grease and the wand on the carpet cleaner, I got out makeup, latex paint dye that was on the carpet for YEARS (red, blue)(WHAT????) purple chalk from a chalk line that wouldnt come up any other way, wet dog smell and dirt stains from his paws, red clay stains (i live in the south) put it in a spray bottle and cleaned baseboards that turned back to bright white like they were just painted. I will be buying gallons in the near future. This was a last ditch effort, to be honest I dont even know how I found out about it (probably a random post in a random forum). Note - my wife thinks it stinks, it does have a weird smell straight out of the bottle but in the carpet cleaner mixed with water it smells "clean". I wish i took before/after photos but honestly, i was pretty positive none of the stains were going to come out. boy was i wrong!!
Does Genesis 950 WorkThis product saved us hundreds in professional cleanings or carpet replacement!

I'm so glad I stumbled upon this stuff! Our carpet was in bad condition after my elderly cat developed health problems. For the past year she couldn't always make it to her litter box, marking up both our living room and hallway. It was so bad we thought we'd need to replace the carpet and it's only a year old. We considered using Zerorez but after reading some of their not so stellar reviews, being quoted a high rate, and learning that there were extra fees that we could guarantee would be added on we didn't want to use their service. One time cleaning our carpet with Genesis 950, using about 4 cups solution to 12 cups water in our 1 gallon cleaner (just slightly over the 1:7 suggested ratio), and every single stain is gone! I would say about 99% of the smell is gone too. I had to get down there and sniff the carpet before I smelled anything but I think that's because my husband didn't run the rinse cycle in that area enough times. I'm willing to bet that the next time we clean the carpets, the smell will be gone completely, especially if we up the cleaner to water ratio. I almost wish we had done before and after photos to show the difference.
Does Genesis 950 WorkReally gets pet stains out

I'd gotten so tired of pet stains I couldn't get out, had some new carpet, went hunting here on Amazon for ideas, and found this product. After having it for several months and using it to get urine and vomit stains out of carpet that other cleaners couldn't, I'm ready to say this has been a great success for me. I use it in a spray bottle mixed 50/50 with water, spray it on the stain following the instructions. Then I clean it up using water and my Hoover carpet cleaning machine. What a relief to finally find a product that can really do the job.
Does Genesis 950 WorkAMAZING PRODUCT!

This is the only product I have found that works to get pet smells out of carpet. We recently moved into our house and over the first few months our small dogs would not stop peeing on the carpet. We tried every type of shampoo, and even some homemade remedies. I put 1 cup of this stuff in our shampooer and let it soak into the rug for about 20 minutes then went over it with just water. It took the smell away almost immediately. AMAZING PRODUCT!
Does Genesis 950 WorkLike magic

I swear this is magic. My dog had cancer and urinated frequently in one area of our room for months. That's a 25 foot square area covered in pee. I used Genesis, a bit too late, the stains were already set, but it lifted most of the stain and I was really impressed. The shocking thing, was when a professional came to replace the carpet he said he couldn't smell it at all. He got down on the ground and sniffed, and he couldn't smell the urine. That is so impressive to me! I swear by this stuff and if I clean a pet stain with this stuff as soon as it happens, it disappears. The smell can be a bit overpowering when cleaning but it smells so good compared to other cleaners, you won't mind.
Does Genesis 950 Work Great Product for Puppies

Finally something that actually worked on my rug. I have wall to wall carpeting that was terribly stained during the housebreaking stage of a new puppy last year. I have tried multiple shampoos that all claimed to be able to remove the stains. I have a Hoover Steam Shampooer that I use with each of the products I kept trying. Immediately after using them the rug looked great. But, after a couple of days the stains were back. I decided to try one more time with this product. As soon as I began the cleaning process with the Hoover I could see the return water was really dirty. Unlike the other times where it was dirty but not excessive. The stains are now gone and my carpet, which is only 3 years old, looks new again.
Does Genesis 950 WorkBest ever

Awesome product, I was tired of cleaning my carpets every month and the smell will still linger. I came across this product on the web while searching for ways to get rid of the urine smell. I used it with my steam cleaner and this product works wonders. I had to use it twice for the smell to finally disappear. I'm glad I found this and will always use it and recommend from now on.
Does Genesis 950 Work Amazing

I chose this rating for the reason of I have a light tan carpet in my living room and there were black marks all over it. I tried carpet cleaners for stains and nothing took the stains out. I saw reviews for this product and decided to try it. I love this product it took all the black marks out of my carpet I have 3 cats and a dog and 3 kids that carry dirt through the house. It is also great for just an in between cleaning just put it on the spot use a damp cloth and it comes right out it's amazing would definitely recommend this product.
Does Genesis 950 Work Excellent with Quirks

I was almost disappointed in this until a day had passed. It did a fantastic job at removing a huge spot of permanent marker my son had scribbled on the carpet. At first it just lightened it a lot, which being what it was is impressive, but the next day it was completely gone! I don't think I got the solution out of the carpet completely but for the future I know to just let it sit for a night. Other then that I do have a dirty spot where I used the cleaner but again I don't believe I got it all out of the carpet anyway.
Does Genesis 950 Work So in love

I am in love with this carpet cleaner and company. The first bottle I got somehow manage to leak. But when I contacted the company they worked with me very well. Within 2 days I had a new bottle free of charge. I've tried every carpet cleaner there is to try on my beige carpet and even had the men in the yellow bus come out to clean but nothing has clean like the Genesis 950. I will be making another purchase and I can't wait to see what other things I can clean with this!!!
Does Genesis 950 WorkExpensive, but worth it!

This stuff is expensive, but it saved me thousands! I was all set to have my carpets ripped up and replaced because I thought they were beyond cleaning. I've even had them professionally cleaned but the carpets were still hopelessly stained, smelly and dirty. I decided to try Genesis 950 and now I can't believe my carpet! I've decided to keep the carpet after all!
Does Genesis 950 WorkA magician couldn't do this on our carpet...

I bought this as a last attempt to clean our carpet because our dogs have slowly been ruining them. We have a total of two carpets in the house specifically because of our dogs and because of the fact that they suck in hair. Don't get me wrong, both are dogs are potty trained but for some reason they gravitate to the carpets if they feel the need to have an "accident"- maybe it reminds them of the grass? Either way, I was so excited to receive this stuff because I had heard remarkable stuff about it on pet owner websites and forums.

Immediately, when I got it, I mixed a spray bottle amount and followed the instructions. I put about 1/3 of a bottle in and diluted the rest with water. As the instructions say, you can do about 50:50 if the stains are heavy. I sprayed an old red vomit stain we had from one of our dogs. Just as a note, this stain was horrendous when it first occurred and back when it happened we spent three days trying to remove it through various methods (Resolve Pet, scrubbing, vinegar/water mixtures, etc.) but we could only get the stain to fade slightly. Not through lack of trying but from sheer frustration I had to give up on the stain and even with this product and the great reviews, I had virtually no hope that this would even make a dent… this stain was bad. Either way though, I sprayed it and let it sit while I made the solution for the carpet cleaner.

Once that mixture was complete, probably took me 10 minutes because I wanted to make sure i followed the instructions and proportioned it out correctly, I started on the carpet. I can't even explain the excitement and complete awe I was in once I used the carpet cleaner tools (I prefer to use these since they're more accurate and better on our machine). The effect this cleaner had was instant, literally, within minutes this product managed to do what three days of constant effort couldn't do. I worked on this particular stain for maybe 20-30 minutes and with the minimal effort I did the stain looked SO MUCH BETTER!

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say the stain is completely gone, because it's not BUT i want to re-ilterate that the stain was comparable to red wine and chocolate. The stain was going no where after 3 days of hard work with products bought at the store and I strongly believe that if I had this product when the stain happened it wouldn't have stood a chance. As for the "marking" stains from our dogs… no chance. Those stains were out in about 15 seconds after applying the cleaner. I believe there was one stain I had to put a little effort into but if you just let this cleaner sit on the stain it'll take it right off. I strongly suggest READING the instructions so you understand the mixture. It's not rocket science but if you dilute the mixture too much you could be wasting the product.

At the end of the day, I had a choice to make, throw out the really expensive carpets (about $1000 between the two), hire a professional carpet cleaner or spend $25 on the medium sized bottle. I chose to spend the money and take my time because I'm a gambler… and because the product reviews were too good to pass up.

By the way, our carpets smell fantastic and it's great to know this is unbelievably an environmentally friendly product.
Does Genesis 950 Work"I'm AMAZED!!!! I got my gallon and spray bottle yesterday, so before bed I tested out the Genesis 950 using the Rug Dr machine on my bedroom carpet because my bedroom carpet was (note: was) SO stained and smelly from my puppy peeing (she has kidney disease so she always has to go....we now take her out to pee every half hour!!) the smell has literally kept me up night after night and I've even slept out on the couch because of it and I've been panicking because I don't want friends and family visiting with the way the carpets are and I've tried everything! So, I did just the bedroom last night, it's dry this morning...no smell and no stains and it looks brand new again. You guys really have no idea how much this has helped my husband and I! I will be doing the rest of my apartment today and taking before and after photos which I wish I did with my bedroom carpet! Thank you guys SO much! My mind is blown by this stuff. I've never been happier with a product and it was absolutely worth the money! I will be buying more!" - from EricaDoes Genesis 950 Work"I can not BELIEVE this product It is by far the best carpet cleaner I have ever used ...it got out pet stains that I thought would never come out...I.m just ecstatic about how good this stuff is....thank you thank you thank you. It got stains out of the bedroom carpet that was here when we bought the house 7 years ago, I can't say enough about this product. I can hardly wait to try it on other things." - DennisDoes Genesis 950 Work"i purchased a gallon of genesis 950 from your web site. i have to say i am blown away. a friend of mine had carpet so dirty from work boots and stains from i dont know what, that i thought nothing would help. i used genesis 950 and and a rug doctor machine, and it looks like brand new carpet." - Anna

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Best Pet Stain Remover

Genesis 950 - The Best Pet Stain Remover

Pets bring joy, comfort and protection to families, but pet stains can cause stress, aggravation and embarrassment. Urine, feces and vomit can be some of the hardest stains to tackle. There are countless remedies and solutions available with the intent to remove these stains, however they do not always work.

Genesis 950 takes away all the stress of pet stains. It is a green all purpose cleaner that works unlike any other cleaner available. It works with water to break the bonds of stains. When a stain's bonds are broken, it can then be lifted from the surface it has adhered to and in turn rinsed away. Here are some reviews on Genesis 950 that show why it is the best pet stain remover. It is sold in concentrate form and the recommended cleaning ratio is 1 part Genesis 950 to 7 parts water. Because of this, 1 gallon of Genesis 950 can easily become 7 gallons of cleaning solution. For harder stains, or heavily soiled carpet, this ratio can be increased to a 50/50 mix. Typically however a 1/3 Genesis 950 to 2/3 water ratio can remove most stains.

Remove pet stains Genesis 950
Everything Home Life Genesis 950 Review

remove old carpet stains
The Small Things By Bre Genesis 950 Review

pet stain and odor removal
Organic Sunshine Genesis 950 Review

One of the hottest trends in cleaning right now is homemade recipes. There are two reasons that the household remedy trend is on the up rise. First and foremost, cost. Typically cleaning solutions targeted at pet stains can run between $20 - $30 for a bottle. While this cost may very well be worth it in the event the cleaner does what it claims, far too often those cleaners do not meet the pet owners expectations. As a result, people end up giving up spending money on a cleaner that won't work. Let's face it, a gallon of vinegar costs less than a bottle of pet stain remover. The second reason household cleaners are favored is because people are become more aware of what is being used in their home. Many cleaning products release harsh chemicals that can provoke allergies, skin irritation, impact the respiratory system and have a prolonged effect on blood cells. Once again, vinegar seems more safe than an aerosol spray.

Homemade cleaning remedies however are not an effective means of cleaning pet stains. Vinegar is most commonly recommended as a natural cleaner for removing pet stains. It is a natural agent free of man made toxins. Vinegar is an acidic based agent with a pH level of 2.4. This slight acidic base gives vinegar the strength to break down various elements without damaging carpet or furniture. Theoretically, it sounds like a good idea. For a brief period of time, the area cleaned with vinegar may in fact seem cleaner and smell better, however over time, urine smells may worse.

Animals urinate based on instinct. Dogs go outside and smell around to find spots where they have gone before. Cats head to a litter box based on scent. Urine has a pH level of 4.5 - 8.

NEVER use vinegar as a pet stain remover
Your pet, whether it is a cat or dog, can pick up on this scent and the similarity in odor between the scent of vinegar and urine can actually draw your pet to go to the bathroom in that spot again. With vinegar, instead of removing the problem, you are actually encouraging it. Your pet will not differentiate between the pH level between vinegar and urine. If the odor is there, they will likely go to the bathroom there. This is even acknowledges by the Human Society. They note on their website. They have made this statement in regards to vinegar & ammonia: From your pet's perspective, these don't effectively eliminate or cover the urine odor and may actually encourage your pet to reinforce the urine scent mark in that area.

Household cleaners are often used for pet stain removal, however typically, this is not their intention. Many stain removers are designed as spot cleaners. They are created to remove small stains. In some cases, they are not even designed to be used on fabric. When using these cleaners, you can actually create a bigger problem. Soaps used in many of these cleaners can attract dirt. This photo is an excellent example of what store bought cleaners can do to a carpet. This carpet was "cleaned" using household sprays. The carpet was layered with pet stains. The carpet was stained with pet urine, vomit and muddy paws over a couple years time. Various attempts were made to clean the carpet by means of spot and stain removers. You can clearly see where the cleaners were applied and that rather than remove the stains, they created more. Grayish streaks form where cleaning attempts occurred. This was the result of the soap used in the cleaners. Rather than break down stains, they attracted dirt and made the area worse.

How to remove pet stains from carpet
Old pet stains in carpet

Clearly this carpeting became an eyesore. The room basically became closed off from the rest of the house and it seemed that the only remedy would be replacing the carpet. However we will address this carpet shortly.

Another cleaning misconception is the recommendation of enzymatic cleaners. This process is very complex, but can be simplified in explanation as the reaction of one element in conjunction with another. In very basic terms, the theory is that an enzyme can be introduced to a pet stain and the result will be the breakdown of the stain. The complexities lie within how an enzyme functions. Enzymes are extremely sensitive. They react only to very specific conditions. If the conditions do not meet, the enzyme will not react. There are several conditions to make an enzyme work. The first and most crucial is temperature. Enzymes need a stable temperature to function. If it is too cold or hot, even by 1 degree, there will be no reaction. Shelf life also deters an enzyme from working properly. If the product has been sitting to long, it will not work. Other factors include the pet's diet and the acidity of the urine or vomit, dyes used in the food, moisture and so on. Another problem is that the enzyme may work on a portion of the stains, but not all of it. This is most obvious after a few days when the smell begins to return.

There is a lot behind cleaning pet stains, and unfortunately a lot of it results in stain removers not working. Perhaps the best way to remove pet stains is with Genesis 950. Genesis 950 is a green, all purpose cleaner that works unlike household cleaners and enzymes. Instead of breaking stains down with an acidic base or harmful toxins, it works with water to alter the structural bonds of stains. In doing so, a stain loses it's ability to bond to a surface. As a result, it breaks from the surface and can be rinsed away. It does so without harming surfaces. Even more importantly, it does so without harming you, your family or your pets. It is a green, sustainable cleaner. In addition to removing pet stains, it also removes odor.

Genesis 950 can be used as a spot cleaner, or in a machine. Going back to the carpeting shown earlier, the results achieved with Genesis 950 are unlike that from any other cleaner. Here is that carpet again. Years of pet stains from both cats and dogs were left throughout the carpet. Several other cleaners were used with negative results, making the carpet look even worse that before. The scent of pets lingered in the room. Ultimately, this became a wasted space in the home.

How to get rid of old pet stains
Old pet stains in carpet
Clean old pet stains from carpet
Old pet stains removed from carpet

Here is that same rug after it was cleaned with Genesis 950. Genesis 950 was used in a Bissell carpet cleaning machine. It was mixed at a 50/50 ratio of Genesis 950 to water. The mixture was able to break down the stains and lift them from the surface. Not only did it remove the pet stains from urine and vomit, but it also removed residue and stains left behind by other cleaning products. It also removed all the urine odor from the room. Urine odor often stems from below the surface of the carpet. Spot cleaning will not remove that odor. It is for this reason odor issues must be addressed with a cleaning machine of some sort. When used in a machine, Genesis 950 can break down the stains below the surface, deodorize the padding and kill disinfect any germs which cause the odors, as well as any bacteria that may promote mold growth.

Genesis 950 works on all carpet types without damaging or discoloring the fibers. In these photos, Genesis 950 was used to remove pet stains that were months old. Like the above carpet, these stains were previously treated with other cleaners. However those cleaners were not able to remove the stains. Genesis 950 was used as a spot cleaner to remove the old pet stains. In this instance, odor was not an issue. The frustration arose from having beautiful carpet that seemed doomed with an embarrassing stain. Genesis 950 was able to make the home owner proud of her carpets again!

Genesis 950 is the perfect spot cleaner for small stains. Cat owners often face the dilemma of vomit. Whether is be food, bile or just random things ingested, the mess can leave a nasty mark. Dyes in food can be troublesome to remove and while some cleaners may get rid of the bulk of the stain, they often leave a faint outline of where the stain was. As a spot cleaner, Genesis 950 can be kept in a bottle. Typically a ratio of 1/3 Genesis 950 to 2/3 water can remove pet stains. In this example, Genesis 950 was used to spot clean and remove pet vomit.
remove vomit stains
Locate the stain

Remove cat vomit stains
Spray the stain with a mixture of Genesis 950 & water

clean cat vomit
Wipe the stain away

Remove pet stains
The bulk of the stain is removed

best pet stain remover
Wipe away remaining stain with damp cloth

Genesis 950 can also be used to remove pet stains on furniture

Remove pet stains from furniture
Locate the pet stain

Remove pet stains from furniture
Spray pet stains from furniture using a mixture of Genesis 950 & water

Clean pet stains from furniture
Wipe off stain

clean pet stains from furniture
Pet stain removed from furniture
Remove pet stains from furniture and carpet with Genesis 950. Not only does Genesis 950 remove pet stains, it does so safely. Because Genesis 950 is green, you aren't putting your pets in danger.